Michelle Keller on her visit to Medjugorje.

My miracle of Medjugorje

The Story of Michelle

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Miracles happen in Medjugorje, all though it's rare, it can still happen, especially in this beautiful city.

Sometimes you don't recognize these miracles of Medjugorje. They hide behind our desires to pray, love, to openly give and be generous. Our actions can open the doors for miracles to happen. 

I didn't know that I was coming to Medjugorje until about 1 month before I arrived. After realizing the Youth Festival was happening around a family trip, I saw this as an opportunity to attend. Suddenly I am here, a witness to the peaceful and spiritual place called Medjugorje.


How I met my miracle in Medjugorje 

Everyone has their own miracles that happen in life, and you never know how it can surprise you.

I work for Mary's Meals USA as a regional coordinator and on a regular basis I speak about how our work is a fruit of Medjugorje. This great gift of a daily meal at school for children who without it won't be able to focus and in fact many just won't attend.  

As a former teacher I know how important education is in guiding us to a brighter future. For the children who are recipients of the food from Mary's Meals, this is their miracle. 

Michelle Keller in Medjugorje

It's no coincidence that I'm here in Medjugorje during the annual youth festival. This miracle in Medjugorje that was going to happen to me, was unexpected. 

My family planned a trip to Croatia to explore our heritage on my father's side. My great grandfather came to America in 1909. We didn't know if we would find any family still living in our hometown near Ljubuski.  Little did we know  that the house we pulled up to, the one with people outside would be relatives. 

Is it a miracle that on this day, they invited us in for drinks and bring out pictures of my great grandfather and his brothers?  We saw the stone they carved into before leaving. Granic. 1909. America.

I had a chance to see my great grandfathers house and the family cemetery and church. For me, this was the miracle in Medjugorje that happened to me! To find aunts, uncles and cousins in a far-off place, reconnect with them, share stories and enjoy our time together. 

Michelle Keller with relatives

The youth experience in Medjugorje 

Now I get to experience the beauty and enthusiasm of Youth from all over the world. My global neighbors sharing in our love for our faith and Mary's Meals. We share a vision that all children should receive a daily school meal and give them a chance to find their own miracle. 

We know that by using our voices to share how simple it is to be a part of this miracle, we must have action to it because we are the hands and heart of Jesus. Tonight I get to have dinner with my family, a gift and miracle in itself. Tomorrow I get to pray and speak with numerous miracles in the shape of Mary's Meals friends here in the Lord's vineyard of Medjugorje.  

Miracles wait for us, sometimes it takes time, patience and sacrifice, but when the time comes, it happens, and for me it happened. Just from visiting and praying in Medjugorje, meeting my family elders, my miracle happened in Medjugorje!


Image of a priest reading a passage from the bible.

Join us in prayer

Let us keep the children we serve at the very forefront of all our prayers.